Proses penerbitan Penerbit

Penerbit buku dan majalah menghabiskan banyak masa mereka membeli atau mentauliah salinan; sebaliknya, penerbit suratkhabar, lazimnya menggaji pekerja mereka untuk menghasilkan salinan, walaupun mereka mungkin mengupah wartawan bebas, yang dipanggil wartawan sambilan. Di percetakan kecil, ia mungkin bertahan dengan bergantung sepenuhnya kepada bahan-bahan komisen. Akan tetapi apabila aktiviti meningkat, keperluan untuk kerja-kerja mungkin akan menanggalkan terus lingkaran penulis-penulis yang mantap.

Penerimaan dan rundingan

Sebaik sahaja menerima kerja berkenaan, penyunting bertauliah akan membincangkan harga hak cipta dan bersetuju dengan kadar royalti.


When editing and design work are completed, the printing phase begins. The first step is the creation of a pre-press proof, which is sent for final checking and sign-off by the publisher. This proof shows the book precisely as it will appear once printed and is the final opportunity for the publisher to find and correct any errors. Some printing companies use electronic proofs rather than printed proofs. Once the proofs have been approved by the publisher, printing—the physical production of the published work—begins.


The final stage in publication is making the product available to the public, usually by offering it for sale. In previous centuries, an author was frequently also his own editor, printer, and bookseller, but these functions are usually separated now. Once a book, newspaper, or other publication is printed, the publisher may use a variety of channels to distribute it. Books are most commonly sold through booksellers and other retailers. Newspapers and magazines are typically sold directly by the publisher to subscribers, and then distributed either through the postal system or by newspaper carriers. Periodicals are also frequently sold through newsagents and vending machines.